climate change & its global effect


                                                                                                       CAUSES OF CLIMATE CHANGE

In todays fast moving & industry oriented world we are creating & building new

infrastructure to the world these are most common causes to climate change 

as follows :

  • global warming : its earch climate change system which has been observed from

1950s  in this you can see there is sea level rise & extreme weather changes  it can

lead to dangerous effect on enviroment.

  •    green house gases : The greenhouse effect is the process by which absorption and emission of infrared radiation by gases in a planet’s atmosphere warm its lower atmosphere and surface if these mix 

in automosphere it will hazardous to our health & safe moments of day to day life.

  •    ozone layer depetion : In this world nature balance is done by ozone layer &

if ozone layer get shortened the all climate will collapse & it lead to end of world.

  •    changes in the sun : If climate change is at extreme level it can lead to sun 

to overheat & it leads to finish human generations completely.

SO global Warming & its impact should be addressed properly & implement

with significant plan  for that every human being should try to clean their place,

take continue steps towards tree plantation , water safe in forest , make your place

less polluted there are lot many factors one can add to create safe & positive









Importance of focus & training

The role of focus in your professional life

Focus as Mood Enhancer

We all know that focus is important when we write papers or prepare for exams. Paying attention during study sessions can help ensure that we perform well. But recent research suggests that focus may provide benefits beyond getting work done – in fact, our very happiness may depend on it.

Staying in the Flow

Aside from perhaps the most adamant daydreamers among us, we all want to maintain our focus. Sometimes, though, that proves a lot easier said than done. When a particularly difficult or loathsome task is before us, it can seem relieving to enter the world of daydreams. But idle thoughts won’t allow you to be productive or – as study shows – content. Here are some tips for improving your focus.

Be intentional. Before you start working, think about what it is you want to achieve. Keep working until you finish whatever task it is you’ve assigned for yourself. If you won’t be able to complete a task, resolve to work on the project for a specific period of time.

Create a schedule. Human beings are creatures of habit, and we’re at our best when we have routines. Set up a schedule that allows you to capitalize on this fact, setting up specific blocks of time to study or do work. Be disciplined in compartmentalizing study time from other parts of your day.

Find your ideal space. Whether it’s the library, a study room or another place, try to spend your time studying in the place that is most comfortable to you. Leaving your living space can help you avoid any interruptions there. Not only that, going to a separate space to study can serve as a mental cue that it’s time for you to start getting things done.

Know yourself. If you’re most productive in the morning, that’s the time to do work requiring a lot of focus. Our bodies can be more receptive to the ‘flow’ state at different times of day, so it’s a good idea to take full advantage. Also utilize any concentration triggers you benefit from – whether that is soft background music or another cue.

           Training benfits for duty performance

Training can improve business performance, profit and staff morale. Advantages to your business include:

  • you choose what new skills your workforce gains, targeting skills to meet the needs of your operation for now and in the future
  • training your staff can result in better customer service, better work safety practices and productivity improvements
  • you demonstrate to your workforce that you value them enough to invest in them, improving loyalty and staff retention. In turn, retention is a saving to you


Training has many benefits for your staff:

  • they acquire new skills, increasing their contribution to the business and building their self-esteem
  • the training they do can take them into other positions within the organisation – positions with better prospects and/or better pay
  • they’re upskilled to do new and different tasks, which keeps them motivated and fresh
  • because they’re being trained on your time, they see that you value them enough to invest in them. A good company is seen as one that retrains rather than churns.

new ideas & concepts

Its really best place to present concepts & ideas you have for differnt field so you can express yourself & get reviews about related subjects & you can put rights steps about differnt topics so keep on bloging so our talent , understanding of situation, to bring ourt thought process in proper channel we need to share concepts & ideas in our mind.





food trends 2018

               new food trends 2018

Over the last year, we’ve seen a wide range of food and drink trends reflecting changing attitudes towards health, community and the environment. We’ve seen a brunch boom, buddha bowls aplenty and of course, the avocado craze.

It seems 2018 is set to be a year of even more adventurous veggie and vegan cuisine while the rise of hyper-local cooking and exciting advances in technology take a firmer hold on British food culture. Wondering what to expect from the future of food and drink? Check out the BBC Good Food team’s predictions for the coming year.

1 .  Gut- friendly food

With fermenting, pickling and preserving reaching the mainstream, our panel agree that gut health is set to be a big food trend for 2018. This includes probiotics like kimchimiso and kefir and prebiotics such as onions, garlic and other alliums.

Want to learn more about preserving food and the health benefits of doing so? Take a look at our digestive health hub for all the latest recipes and research. Then, see our beginner’s guide to fermented foods and try it for yourself.

2.   Competitive Dining

With the launch of the BBC’s Big Family Cooking Showdown alongside daily re-runs of Come Dine With Me and back-to-back series of MasterChef, we predict 2018 will see more social media buffs entering the fray of competitive dining. Expect inspiring Instagram feeds full of inventive (and sometimes, bonkers) dishes from budding chefs at home.

Spread your culinary wings, invite some people over and cook up a few dinner party recipes. Check out our entertaining hub for everything you need to throw the ultimate dinner party and peruse our top 10 tips for playing host.

3. booze- free beverages

Good Food columnist Tony Naylor cites non-alcoholic drinks as a growth area in the food and drink industry, and our supermarket forecasters say that health-conscious millennials are drinking booze less and less. Premium tonic waters with interesting flavours, non-alcoholic ‘spirits’ and botanical mixes are flooding in to fill a gap in the market.

You could shop for booze-free drinks or make your own mocktails and fruity cordials at home.

SO these some of the booming trends in food industry you should add these to bring

positive changes to your food store.

if you have new concepts dont hesitate to share with me.